What is Wedding Insurance?

Your go to guide on Wedding Insurance by Dreamsaver

Wedding Insurance exists to give you, the Marrying Couple, financial protection should things go wrong before or during your wedding day. Unfortunately, no wedding insurance policy will cover either of the couple getting ‘cold feet’ and not wanting to get married (this is known as Disinclination).

Although it is called Wedding Insurance, Dreamsaver can also cover Civil Ceremonies (civil partnerships) and the Blessing/Renewal of Vows. It is not event insurance and cannot provide cover for 21st birthday parties, wedding anniversaries, reunion parties, and other celebrations similar to this.

Unlike some Wedding Insurance policies, under the Dreamsaver policy, you don't have to have your Wedding Ceremony and Wedding Reception on the same day. In fact, these 2 events can be up to a maximum of 94 days apart! This can be useful if you are having a Wedding Ceremony abroad and then having the Wedding Reception back in the UK once you get back.

If you are having a wedding celebration with multiple events, perhaps an Asian wedding, or a wedding with two wedding receptions rather than one, then we have good news as Dreamsaver can help you with this! Our policies can insure weddings with up to 6 events provided they all take place within a period of no more than 94 days.

Dreamsaver does not charge any additional premium if you are having your Wedding Abroad (although some sections are not available).

To see what is covered by the policy please click here to read the policy wording


How Much Wedding Insurance Cover Do I Need?

The level of cover for Wedding insurance is usually determined by the total cost of the wedding, i.e. how much it would cost insurers if your wedding was cancelled. This amount will include all the elements of your wedding, such as venue, caterers, wedding attire, wedding cake etc but NOT a Honeymoon or Stag and Hen dos.

You should select the level of cover that most closely matches your wedding budget. If you underinsure your wedding then the maximum you will receive in the event of cancelling the wedding is the level of cover you have paid for, potentially leaving you out of pocket. For example, there is an averages clause in the Marquee Cover section that states:

‘If at the time of the loss or damage, the sum insured is less than the full cost of reinstating the Marquee as new, we will reduce the amount we pay for any claim by the proportion that the maximum amount payable bears to the full cost of reinstatement‘

As such, if you underinsure your marquee, if you need to subsequently make a claim on this section, the amount you receive will be reduced proportionally by the percentage amount you underinsured. If you are unsure of the total cost of your wedding, click here to use our wedding cost calculator

If you find that, whilst organising your wedding, the costs increase beyond your level of cover then you need to call us. You can do this at 01483 806 662 and we are happy to arrange an increase in cover for you (this will incur an additional premium and admin fee).

Click Here to Quote and Buy Today!

What Does Wedding Insurance Cover Before Your Wedding?

Dreamsaver Wedding Insurance can be purchased up to 2 years before your intended Wedding date. Buying a policy this early will protect any deposits you make (and indeed any deposits paid before you bought the policy, subject to policy terms and conditions) from the financial failure of wedding service suppliers.

This also covers professional wedding planners. The policy does not cover Wedding Gift suppliers.

The reasons for cancellation or rearrangement that are covered by the Dreamsaver policy can be found in section 1 of our policy wording. An example of an insured event under cancellation or rearrangement would be the death or illness of the couple or a close relative that would make the continuance of the wedding inappropriate.

Dreamsaver Wedding Insurance now includes the Option to include cancellation cover in case one of the Marrying Couple (or a close relative) catch Coronavirus, as defined, including COVID-19 within 10 days prior to the wedding.

Another area covered by Dreamsaver policies is Adverse Weather, such as snow. In the event that adverse weather stops you (Marrying Couple) and more than half of your wedding guests from reaching the wedding then you will be covered. To ensure all couples have cover for this eventuality, Dreamsaver Wedding Insurance policies can now only be purchased a minimum of 14 days before the Wedding ceremony date.

It also covers the unforeseen posting of a member of the armed forces, providing the serving person has previously had their leave agreed by their commanding officer.

Redundancy of one of the couple is covered, providing the wedding insurance policy is taken out 8 weeks prior to the notice of redundancy being given.

Wedding Rings are covered up to 7 days prior to the wedding ceremony too in case of loss or accidental damage. For more information, please read the policy wording here.

What Does Wedding Insurance Cover During the Wedding?

Dreamsaver Wedding Insurance covers you during your big day for things such as additional costs for alternative transport should the wedding cars not appear or breakdown.

The policy also covers you to cancel or rearrange the wedding if the officiating minister or registrar does not turn up.

Furthermore, cover for the Wedding Cake and Wedding Gifts is applicable during the Wedding and for more information on these sections, please read the policy wording which you can find here.

What Does Wedding Insurance Cover After the Wedding Ceremony?

Dreamsaver Wedding Insurance was designed to insure one Wedding Ceremony and one reception, therefore it provides certain elements after the ceremony.

The Marrying Couple are covered by personal liability in case they cause any accidental loss or damage to third party property. This can be extended to Wedding Guests with the appropriate additional premium.

Please note the extension to cover the Wedding Guests is not available for weddings taking place outside the United Kingdom. Equally, there is no Public Liability cover whatsoever for weddings taking place in the USA or Canada.

Wedding rings are covered against loss or accidental damage up to 24 hours after the wedding ceremony.

For more information on what a Dreamsaver Wedding Insurance policy covers, please read the policy wording here.

If you have any other questions regarding our policies then please have a look at our FAQ's page which you can find here.

Click Here to Quote and Buy Today!

Please Note: Policies must be purchased a MINIMUM of 14 days before the ceremony date.

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Buy Dreamsaver Wedding Insurance Now

These prices are based on Dreamsaver Wedding Insurance policy covering 2 events

Please Note: Policies must be purchased a MINIMUM of 14 days before the ceremony date.

Click the buttons to purchase your Dreamsaver Wedding Insurance policy through our Secure Payment System